Wednesday, May 30, 2018

CASPer Information Webinar

If you are applying in the 2019 matriculation cycle for medical or PA school, make sure to check out the upcoming CASPer Information Webinar!

The Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal (CASPer) characteristics test is quickly gaining popularity as a tool for holistic assessment in the medical and PA school admission process. Over 20+ allopathic medical schools and 20 physician assistant programs have adopted CASPer to help assess applicants based on interpersonal skills such as teamwork, professionalism, ethics, communication, and empathy.  

Tune into the upcoming information webinar to make sure you know all the pertinent about this assessment. The webinar will cover:

-Why programs have chosen to use CASPer and which ones require the CASPer test
-How the CASPer test benefits you in the admissions process
-Logistics of the CASPer test and what to expect
-How it is scored
-How you can prepare yourself for test day

There will be an opportunity to ask questions that will be answered post-webinar and posted on