If you are a college student or recent graduate, Organization for Autism Research (OAR) invites you to apply for a 10-week internship experience filled with meaningful work,
learning opportunities, and great colleagues. As a full-time programs and outreach summer intern, you will
immediately become a member of OAR’s staff team, work closely with key
staff members on projects of high value to the autism community and OAR,
and gain meaningful work experience in a nonprofit organization with a
national focus.
The ideal intern is a dynamic individual who is interested in autism
and shares OAR’s passion for helping people with autism and their
families. OAR is looking for applicants who excel at detail-oriented
work, but think strategically and never lose sight of a greater purpose.
For summer 2018, summer interns can expect to support OAR’s social
media, outreach communications, research programs, and resource
Summer interns work full time for a 10-week period between June and
August. OAR offers a modest stipend and potential for class credit
pending school approval. The OAR office is located in
Arlington, VA.
- More Info: https://researchautism.org/oar-is-building-its-summer-intern-team-3/
- Application Deadline: Monday, March 5, 2018